Sacramento Employment Lawyer


HomepageAll of our lawyers can tell you what is discrimination, what is overtime, how to calculate overtime, what is Family Medical Leave Act coverage, what is disability discrimination, and what employment law that we are committed to. Karl Gerber Ann Guleser Karl Gerber
Did Mastercorp Underpay Its Truckee Hotel WorkersIf you have questions about why Mastercorp paid you what they paid you for your work at the Northstar Lodge Hyatt, Old Greenwood Resort, a South Lake Tahoe Resort Palm Springs, California, or anywhere else in California call our labor attorneys at 1-877-525-0700.
Discrimination LawyerWhat Types of Discrimination Are Illegal? What does FEHA prohibit? Harassment, discrimination, termination in employment
Employment Contracts LawyerYou may also be protected in situations in which you do not have a written contract. Implied or oral contracts are difficult to enforce, but your employer may not be unjustly enriched by your services.
Employment Law OfficesYou may also be protected in situations in which you do not have a written contract. Implied or oral contracts are difficult to enforce, but your employer may not be unjustly enriched by your services.
Employment LawyersAll of our lawyers can tell you what is discrimination, what is overtime, how to calculate overtime, what is Family Medical Leave Act coverage, what is disability discrimination, and what employment law that we are committed to. Karl Gerber Ann Guleser Karl Gerber
Larry Vs Global SolEmployment Attorney in Sacramento County California employment laws protect workers from being wrongfully and unfairly treated in the workplace, not paid.
Lawyer For Pay Stub Errors In Truckee
Leave Of Absence Lawyer8 different kinds of employee leaves in Sacramento: 1) Disability leave 2) Military leave 3) Leave for jury duty 4) Workers compensation leave due to work-related injury
Minimum Wage Lawyer
Myles Vs WellpointEmployment Attorney in Sacramento County California employment laws serve to protect workers from being wrongfully and unfairly treated in the workplace. Without the protection found in the laws and regulations of the California Labor Code, employees would be unable to perform their jobs due to harassment of different kinds. The Labor Code, as well as numerous other legislative acts, has been put in place so that employers and employees alike can know their rights, and so that violators can be held accountable for their actions. Employment Law Practice Areas Whistleblower Claims If your employer retaliates against you for being a whistle blower, you may be entitled to compensation. Four examples of employer retaliation include: 1) firing you 2) demoting you 3) transferring you 4) reducing your hours. Wrongful Termination When is Termination Wrongful? A termination is considered wrongful if it is done for an illegal reason, such as discrimination, or in retaliation for exercising a workplace right such as applying for workers' compensation following a work injury. Sexual Harassment It is unlawful to harass an employee because of their sex, California Government Code Section 12940(j)(1). Sexually harassing behaviors to be aware of at work include: 1) sexual favors 2) Unwanted sexual advances and propositions Discrimination What Types of Discrimination Are Illegal? FEHA prohibits harassment and discrimination in employment on the basis of: race, color, religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin.... Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) The FMLA allows eligible workers a total of 12 workweeks per year of paid or unpaid leave for medical emergencies and events such as childbirth, severe illness or injury of an immediate family member, and the like. Employment Contracts If your employer has fired you in violation of the terms of your employment contract, you may be entitled to seek compensation for breach of contract. Some samples of breach of contract include unpaid commissions and bonuses, unpaid salary, and stock options. Wage & Hour Claims Many employers illegally withhold pay from employees. The following are examples of some of the most frequent violations: asking you to work off the clock, failure to pay the minimum wage.... Client Counseling Employment Lawyer's Group offers qualified legal counsel for clients who need assistance with any area of employment law. Get answers and skilled representation today by contacting our offices. Contact a Sacramento County Employment Attorney If you are being wrongfully treated on the job, get legal help today. Employment Lawyer's Group focuses entirely on employees' rights and will provide you with the advice and guidance you need when facing discrimination or harassment of any kind. Your initial evaluation is absolutely free, so contact our offices today!
Northstar Lodge Hyatt Residence Club Pay Stub Errors
Oasis Outsourcing Stealing Wages
Paid Wrong Rate Of Pay At Mastercorp
Pay Stub Errors Old Greenwood Resort
Sacramento Employee Cases Wining RecordWrongfully Terminated Lawsuits $100,000 Wrongful termination of ambulance driver who blew the whistle $77,500 Wrongful termination of a credit manager at auto dealership $75,000 Wrongful termination, family care leave act $125,000 Wrongful termination $99,500 Wrongful termination & overtime Sexual Harassment Lawsuits $270,000 Sexual harassment & employment termination $102,500 Sexual harassment of a waitress (no termination involved) $80,000 Sexual harassment of illegal immigrant (no termination) $85,000 Sexual harassment of assistant retail manager $101,500 Sexual harassment of a janitor $120,000 Sexually harassed maintenance supervisor by another male Employment Discrimination Lawsuits $150,000 Race harassment at an oil refinery $85,000 Disability discrimination involving termination $89,870.71 Disability discrimination & termination of near minimum wage employee $80,000 Disability discrimination involving termination $125,000 Age discrimination during layoff $150,000 Disability discrimination & termination Unpaid Wages, Commissions, Pension Lawsuits $120,000 Unpaid wages for tow truck drivers $85,000 Unpaid wages, overtime, and meal breaks for maintenance worker $99,000 Unpaid commissions & termination of salesman $105,000 Overtime due computer professional $109,500 Unpaid prevailing wages for 2 employees of a small company $88,700 Unpaid overtime of gas station assistant manager I am Karl A. Gerber, founder of the Employment Lawyers Group. Our attorneys represent employees in all kinds of issues involving their employment, from medical condition discrimination to wrongful termination. We handle employment law cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we do not ask you to pay us anything upfront. If we win your case, WE WILL BE PAID OUT OF WHAT WE RECOVER. Call us now and find out if you have a case.
Sexual Harassment LawyerIt is unlawful to harass an employee because of their sex, California Government Code Section 12940(j)(1). Sexually harassing behavior includes : Sexual favors; Unwanted sexual advances and propositions; Verbal conduct, including epithets, slurs or derogatory comments, and comments about a person's body, appearance, or sexual activity; Physical conduct including assault, impeding or blocking movement, OR any physical interference with normal work or movement; or Visual harassing including leering looks, offensive gestures whether or not the harassment also results in the loss of a tangible job benefit, Your Employer Has An Obligation To Cause Sexual Harassment To Stop Reasonable steps to prevent discrimination and harassment from occurring include : 1) affirmatively raising the issue of harassment; 2) expressing strong disapproval of harassment; 3) developing appropriate sanctions against harassment; 4) informing employees of their rights and instructing them to report harassment, 2 California Code of Regulations 7287.6(b)(2)-(3). Appropriate corrective action is some form of discipline, however mild, that contributes or eliminates the problem at hand, Intlekofer at 778. If the employer fails to take even the mildest form of discriminatory action the remedy is insufficient, Ellison, 924 F.2d 882. Action is corrective only if it contributes to the elimination of the problem at hand. Disciplinary measures are more likely to decrease the likelihood of repeated harassment than a mere request to stop the behavior, and so discipline is what a corrective action is, Intlekofer at 778. The mere presence of an employee who has engaged in particularly severe or pervasive harassment can create a hostile working environment…To avoid liability….for failing to remedy a hostile environment, employers may even have to remove employees from the workplace if their mere presence would render the working environment hostile…When employers cannot schedule harasser to work at another location or during different hours, employers may have to dismiss employees whose mere presence creates a hostile environment, Ellison v. Brady, 924 F.2d 872, 883 (9th Cir. 1991). A common issue in sexual harassment cases we are involved in is the sexually harassed employee complains and receives a schedule change, but then schedule still overlaps with the sexual harasser, or the sexual harasser still in some form supervises controls the sexually harassed employee unjustly complains about their job performance thereby retaliating against the victim of sexual harassment. Employer May Be Held Liable Sexual Harassment Lawyer Sacramento
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Truckee Lawyer For Pay Stub Errors
Unpaid Wages LawyerMany employers illegally withhold pay from employees. The following are examples of some of the most frequent violations:
Vasquez Vs Del Rio SanitEmployment Attorney in Sacramento County California employment laws serve to protect workers from being wrongfully and unfairly treated in the workplace. Without the protection found in the laws and regulations of the California Labor Code, employees would be unable to perform their jobs due to harassment of different kinds. The Labor Code, as well as numerous other legislative acts, has been put in place so that employers and employees alike can know their rights, and so that violators can be held accountable for their actions. Employment Law Practice Areas Whistleblower Claims If your employer retaliates against you for being a whistle blower, you may be entitled to compensation. Four examples of employer retaliation include: 1) firing you 2) demoting you 3) transferring you 4) reducing your hours. Wrongful Termination When is Termination Wrongful? A termination is considered wrongful if it is done for an illegal reason, such as discrimination, or in retaliation for exercising a workplace right such as applying for workers' compensation following a work injury. Sexual Harassment It is unlawful to harass an employee because of their sex, California Government Code Section 12940(j)(1). Sexually harassing behaviors to be aware of at work include: 1) sexual favors 2) Unwanted sexual advances and propositions Discrimination What Types of Discrimination Are Illegal? FEHA prohibits harassment and discrimination in employment on the basis of: race, color, religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin.... Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) The FMLA allows eligible workers a total of 12 workweeks per year of paid or unpaid leave for medical emergencies and events such as childbirth, severe illness or injury of an immediate family member, and the like. Employment Contracts If your employer has fired you in violation of the terms of your employment contract, you may be entitled to seek compensation for breach of contract. Some samples of breach of contract include unpaid commissions and bonuses, unpaid salary, and stock options. Wage & Hour Claims Many employers illegally withhold pay from employees. The following are examples of some of the most frequent violations: asking you to work off the clock, failure to pay the minimum wage.... Client Counseling Employment Lawyer's Group offers qualified legal counsel for clients who need assistance with any area of employment law. Get answers and skilled representation today by contacting our offices. Contact a Sacramento County Employment Attorney If you are being wrongfully treated on the job, get legal help today. Employment Lawyer's Group focuses entirely on employees' rights and will provide you with the advice and guidance you need when facing discrimination or harassment of any kind. Your initial evaluation is absolutely free, so contact our offices today!
Whistleblower Lawyer
Wrongful TerminationA termination is considered wrongful if it is done for an illegal reason, such as discrimination, or in retaliation for exercising a workplace right such as applying for a leave of absence due to disability, pregnancy, or complaining about sexual harassment. What Is Constructive Wrongful Termination? Some employers attempt to sidestep the law by making workplace conditions so intolerable that the employee is forced to quit. The legal term for this is

